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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Running helps many ailments!

Well it's been a few days since I posted, mostly b/c I think I have developed carpel tunnel so now I have this damn brace that makes typing really hard :(  But I went on a 3 mile run last night and my hand felt so so much better! It makes me really want to hit the pavement soon so my hand feels better.  So this might be short and sweet b/c it's hard to type.

I ran 5 miles on Saturday! I was on the treadmill on the last few seconds and all the power went out in the house! I damn near fell off the treadmill! hehehe. I can laugh about it now but then it was a little scary to be honest. Then what did I do.......had date night and we ate at red lobster. mmmmmmmm I made sure to put back all those calories I burned!!!

I didn't want to cook on Monday b/c my hand hurt so damn much. So Eric ordered pizza and I had it for dinner Monday and lunch Tuesday.  Then I weighed myself (bad idea) and I gained a pound! WTF??? This always happens I gain weight when I run. How depressing!!!  I am hoping it is the salt from the pizza. ick.  So today I am eating brown rice and spicy eggplant that I made.  I am doing well w/ only eating 1 sweet per day, which has been hard since the arrival of Nutella no-bakes (which everyone wiped out yesterday so they must have been ok!)

Well tonight I will either do the gazelle or a tempo run depending on how I feel, then tomorrow I will do what I didn't do today. WOOT! Then  I am going to take Friday off to rest b/c Sat is a 6 mile run!YAY!
Happy trails!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great with the training Jamie :) And I feel you about gaining weight when running.. I have had my issues with that as well. Enjoy that 6 miler this weekend!
