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Thursday, August 26, 2010

I know what a Hazmat team is.

Ok my day started out bad and continued bad. I got in early to work, only to be forced out of the building. When I asked why they just kept telling me "the hazmat people are here". Yea I fucking know who they are, but really what in this building is so hazardous that I need to leave??? So I waited outside for  a while and lost a whole morning's worth of work. BOO!  Turns out a janitor knocked over an unlabeled container that had very safe but very smelly liquid in it. ACK!   A girl from KU news interviewed me. She took my name and asked if I was a freshman.  I didn't know whether to be flattered or offended.  She either thought I looked really young, or sounded really dumb. :)

Did I mention my breakfast was in the building??  So I had to take my friend to the airport.  I needed some food, so I got a hashbrown and a egg mcmuffin minus the cheese and ham from McTerrible.  Now I remember why I don't eat there!!!!  Hello heartburn and farts!     

In other news, last night I did sprints. I did 2 miles, walking for 2 min, running FAST for 1 min. They kicked my ass! I think that means I need to do them more often.  Tonight is my  night to rest, and THANK GOODNESS b/c my ass is tired. Literally I kicked so hard on the sprints that it wore my gluts out. hehe.  That is the thing about running for me, it makes my ass all nice and round.  The upside is that it looks good, the downside is that it gets BIG. Sir mix-a-lot would be proud!!!

Thanks everyone for reading, just having people to vent to and share with helps a lot! Please post your progress or any tips you think would be helpful for me in the comment section!!!!


  1. Ok, I'll admit it's been too long since I went running - since before Gabe was born! But I really want to get back into it and you writing about it is helping my motivation. Now I just need to get a jogging stroller and we are set! Oh yeah and get back in shape :) Miss you!

  2. OMG Your blog kills.

    Great job on the sprints :) And feel free to mail any extra Nutella no-bakes!

    What training plan are you using?

  3. Erin--Gee I wonder why you haven't been running lately.....a cute little boy named Gabe? :) Let me know how it goes w/ a jogging stroller! Miss you too!!!! Where are you looking at for after you are done??

    Andrea- You are so sweet :) If you give me your addy, I will mail you some Nutella cookies after you complete your half as a sweet reward! Seriously I will!!!!!
    I am using Hal Higdon. What are you using?

  4. Yay!! I will email you my address. The half is in October, so feel free to perfect that recipe during September!

    I love Hal Higdon's training plans and use them whenever possible! Just enough days off for me to not get totally sick of following a plan and serious enough to always be prepared on race day. Just remember: trust the training plan. :)
