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Monday, October 18, 2010

More tips---get the right equipment!

So this weekend I ran 10 miles, which is the farthest I have gone all season.  The run wasn't so good, I was very sluggish and tired almost the whole way and I had trouble getting into a rhythm.  My hypothesis is that I have been doing a lot of running and that I need to rest a little. Thankfully, this weekend I have a shorter run planned.  You will find that most running plans incorporate scaling up and then a week of scaling back. This allows your muscles to recover and (hopefully) improve your long run the following week. 

So I made some rookie mistakes this weekend, that I am hurting for today, so I thought I would share! The take home message is get the right equipment!  I can't stress enough how important a good pair of shoes is!  Pay the extra money for a nice pair and get your stride analyzed before you decide on a pair.  The right pair of shoes makes all the difference. I had some knee pain a few years ago when I first started, that has since resolved because I bought the right shoes for me. I run in a men's asics kayano.  My feel swell when I run, so they are a tad bigger than I would buy for walking shoes. Also they have great arch support, and help over-pronators like me!  Which leads me to my second point, replace your shoes often! There are many guides for when to replace your running shoes, mine is when things start hurting that didn't hurt before.  My feet were pounded which never happens! Alas it is time for a new pair!  I have ran a year in them, and it's time! They look fine and will be great for everyday shoes, but for long runs they are so out the door!

This leads me to talk about other running equipment. Let's start with socks. I prefer a thin wicking sock that breathes.  This works for me, but many other people prefer thicker socks to help prevent blisters. Blisters aren't a problem for me, but my feet do swell, hence the thin socks for me!

Next pants and shirts. I recommend wicking pants and shirt. They wick sweat away from you and leave you "relatively" dry.  Try a long run with and without and you will see the difference.  If you skin is prone to acne, this will help with breakouts.  It makes me more comfortable to not be completely soaked in sweat.  I prefer tight pants and shirt.  This typically leads to less chafing for me (gross but it happens!).  Loose clothes that have seams can really lead to some chafing action!!!!

Which brings me to the next topic.....body glide! I love this product. Essentially if you get chafing, apply to said spots and voila!  No more chafing!!!!  Chafing can occur anywhere!  If you wear shorts, you can be prone to chubrub (which is why I wear pants) Even if you don't get this when walking, remember, things swell, especially on a long run. ***POTENTIAL TMI ALERT! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW STOP READING!***  Girls, get a good sports bra!  Good sports bras will save you loads of boob pain and that's just the start of it. Take the time to get measured and get one that fits. Also, there is a decent chance that you will get chafing under your boobs during a very long run (10+ miles).  This doesn't just happen to me, it happens to a lot of girls I know. No idea how or why but oh it happens! I also have not such big boobs, so it doesn't matter how much you are blessed with.  Do yourself a favor, and but some body glide under your boobs before a long run!

Ok that's what I have for today!  Feel free to leave your comments below! Happy Trails!


  1. Great job on your 10 miler!

    Excellent tips Jaime! Especially about the bra. I couldn't figure out why I had little red marks all over my chest and realized that around mile 13-15 my bra starts to really rub (who knew??). Nothing a little body glide couldn't fix :)

    I always find it interesting what types of socks people wear (probably b/c my feat are so blister prone), so here's my combo: for long runs I prefer a thick running sock over a thin wiking sock. I still get blisters, but not nearly as bad.

  2. Andrea- hahahaha yea my bra rubs all the time! It doesn't seem to matter which bra, they all do if you run long enough!

    I like the sock combo! I switched shoes, and my blister problem resolved. Sometimes the thick ones are nice b/c I feel like they give me more cushion, even though they probably don't give much more cushion, I am convinced they do on super long runs! hahahaha
