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Monday, November 1, 2010

Nutrition is for the birds (and for runners!)

Alright, I have 2 weeks of running to talk about since I was lazy and didn't post last week!  Since I last posted, the weather has gotten sufficiently cooler for me, and I have been doing all my runs outside.  Last weekend I ran 5 miles easy outside.  Then during the week I did 2- 3 mile runs on a course that had hills! (yes hills, if you know me at all this is a big deal!)  My half marathon has some gently rolling hills, so I am trying to incorporate some of that into my weekly runs.  The 5 miler seemed super easy! (Probably since I did 10 the week before). The 3 milers also were surprisingly easy even with the hills! Which tells me I am right on track! 

This weekend, I ran 8 miles outside. 3 of those miles were on slightly loose gravel, which I do NOT recommend.  It's hard to stabilize, and I am a little sore b/c of it. Oh well lesson learned. Other than that the 8 miler was great!!!  The weather was wonderful and I found a really good trail (the southbound part is wonderful, the northbound is where I ran into the loose gravel...ick!)

Anyway, one component that helps is eating right before and after a long run.  You will probably have to play with this to see what works for you, but I will share what works for me, so that you can get some ideas.  The night before a long run, I try to eat some carbs.  I don't really "carbo-load" too much, but I do make sure to have some pasta or bread or something. Usually I am eating this anyway, so it's not a problem.  I try not to eat anything too fatty, and nothing that will give me gas! (easy on the cheese for me!)  I typically like to run in the early afternoon, after I have had breakfast and a light lunch. So for breakfast I try to eat some mid-complex carbs (nothing whole wheat or unprocessed grains, these take forever to digest...easy on the fiber here! No gas wanted!) I like pretzels, bread, pancakes.  Thenright before the run (right before being about 1h-45 min before) I eat sugar!!!!   Candy bars, brownies, cookies, whatever! I also have an assload of water. Yes and assload....very specific I know! So I have my glycogen store set up from the carbs the night before, I have carbs that take a few hours to digest headed to my bloodstream (but not too complex...remember gas=bad!) and I have just dumped in an assload of sugar and water! So I am good to go! Plenty of fuel! Now whenever I run over an hour, my glycogen is pretty much gone, and my blood sugar is way gone! So I prefer to eat a gel, or jelly beans, something with sugar.  You need to do this before you get too tired or hungry.  It's like water, if you are thirsty you are already dehydrated, so drink before you are thirsty (and have some carbs before you are tired or need sugar)  I prefer poweraid gels, any sort of fruit flavor (thanks Andrea B. for suggesting these to me years ago) GU is also ok, but its thicker. Hammer gels are nasty crap. Repeat nasty crap.  I also like jelly belly energy beans. These are yummo but they take some time to chew. I would recommend trying a lot of products to see what you like, and what works for you.

For recovery, protein is always a good thing! This is harder for me, b/c I love sugar, but I am meh about protein. Naked juice and Odwalla make a decent protein shake. I also like tuna fish.  Drink slowly! and drink more water!!!!

Only 2 more weekends until my race!!! Next weekend I am going to do 10 miles, then start my taper.  Holy shit it's coming up!

I hope everyone's runs are going as well as mine are!!! Next week I will write about pushing through walls while you are running. I am sure I will have a few during my 10 miles!

Happy trails! And if you have any nutrition tips of your own, please share!!!  Oh below I will post a high protein, clean-eating, belly friendly recipe, tasty and good for any night of the week.

Mexican squash casserole

cook 1 spaghetti squash (microwave 10 min, let cool, then dig out the flesh w/ a fork...should look like spaghetti)

cook together
cumin seed
chili powder
1 lb lean meat (beef, chicken or pork)
1 chopped green pepper
1 onion chopped
chopped hot peppers (optional)

mix meat and veggis with squash and 1 jar salsa (any heat level you like!)

place mixture in casserole dish, bake 350 for 1hr (optional...add some shredded cheese on top and cover w/ foil)

serve w/ fresh guacamole. YUM! If you want to add carbs, add baked corn chips or whole  wheat tortillas

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