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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

M-O-O-N that spells run your ass off!

Ok I haven't posted since Friday! For a few reasons. 1. I have been having some carpel tunnel issues (which have mostly resolved thanks to my brace!) and 2. I had such a bad bad bad week last week.  I did still run, but it didn't go well, and I ate everything that wasn't nailed down!

I did run on Saturday, 6 miles! The first 5 were great, and then the last mile I thought I was going to ride the vomit comet all the way home! I managed to keep down my lunch and finish, but barely.  Whew! I am not 100% sure how I am going to run 13.1 or 26.2 when I had such a hard 6-miler, but I keep telling myself that it has worked out twice before, and if I keep trying it will work out again! 

Monday I ran 2 miles at pace. Let me tell you that sucks!  I ran about 1.5 miles slightly faster then the last .5 miles I escalated pace to a sprint. ick. But I think it is really helping me. Tonight I am either going to do 3 miles or sprints, I haven't decided.  Then Saturday is a big 7 miler!  If it is cool enough, I will run outside. It is almost almost almost cool enough to run outside here, which I am excited about!

I have so much less soreness since I have been cross-training. I do the gazelle a lot which really helps work out the muscles. I get cardio, and it seems to stretch my hams and quads, which is awesome! I joined a small group at church which meets to work out once a week, so I will be adding that in as well. They do kickboxing, so we will see how that goes. I am going to do the low impact version, and see how that blends in w/ the running.

In other news, college football is here and I am loving it! I spent Saturday watching football and a Steven King marathon.  The stand freaks me out everytime. Randall Flag is such a creepy character. M-O-O-N that spells creepy!  I need to run before the Ohio state game at 330 EST this Saturday.  Also Michigan is playing Notre Dame, and my dilemma is that I don't want either one of them to win. Is it possible for both teams to lose please? hehehee :)

 Ok since my wrist is better I will be on here more (b/c I know I am oh-so entertaining!) M-O-O-N that spells see you later taters!

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