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Friday, August 27, 2010

A recovery day is welcome and important!

Last night was my night off, and I did no exercise at all! I am still sore from the sprints. My gluts, quads, and abs are all sore! So tonight I am going to do the gazelle to work out the soreness. I recorded the real housewives of DC to watch while I am doing the gazelle.  I haven't seen this series yet, but I hope it is as ridiculous as all the other real housewives series! 

This weekend I have a 5 mile run planned on Saturday, and a hike planned on Sunday. Those days may end up switched, but that is ok.  Depending on which day I run, will determine my plan for the rest of the week. 

I am still not doing as well as I would like on my eating habits. I think I will make 1 small change a week, and see how that goes. I think next week I will limit myself to 1 sweet treat a day. YES I have more than one sweet treat per day. Don't look at me that way, if you know me at all you wouldn't be shocked!!!!!! :)  This is going to be a challenge b/c I am going to attempt nutella no-bake cookies this weekend.  For example, yesterday I had 3 no bake cookies AND some cocoa puffs!!! Bad Jamie bad!  Ok so I sweet per day, and I will let you know how it goes :)

Today I had leftover frozen pizza. My hand has been hurting really badly from work, and it hurts to chop veggis. So I popped in frozen pizza last night.  It's so tasty but so nasty and bad for you at the same time! I tried to balance it out w/ some fresh fruit. I also had oatmeal this morning.  Tonight I am going to have a big salad to try and counter balance that as well. Oh since it's Friday I might have a cosmo as well, or 2. We'll see where the evening takes me.  It's date night w/ Eric so I think a cosmo will go well w/ dinner and movie!

I didn't drink as much water yesterday, and I feel a little slower and less alert. Overall this week, I have had more energy, which I think is due to drinking more water. I am aiming for 100oz or more per day.  I probably only had 50 oz yesterday, and I can feel it today.  My muscles are still sore, and I feel pretty tired, despite a good night's sleep. Lesson learned....drink more water!!!!  My poo activity also directly correlates w/ the amount of water I had the day before.  Just in case you are every constipated, you know the remedy....more H2O!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!  I will post how my 5 miler went this weekend!  I think you should also challenge yourself this weekend, and go slightly longer than you have ever gone.  That means if you haven't run at all, go for a walk, and job a until you are tired and then walk again.  If your max is 2 miles, try 2.25. You will be surprised what you can do! If I can will myself to go this far, you can too! And then reward yourself with a sweet treat. hehehehe. Ok maybe that last part was not the best advice, but let's be honest, I am going to head toward the nutella no bakes at the end of my run! :)

1 comment:

  1.'s now Tuesday and from what I can tell you haven't posted since Friday. Not slacking off, are we Doc? :-)
