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Monday, August 23, 2010

To 26.2 and beyond

Welcome to the wonderful journey of Dr. Dr. Alan to 26.2 and beyond! I am not a huge blogger, nor do  I follow many blogs. I am mostly doing this blog for myself to increase my accountability. Let me explain.  I started running 2 years ago in graduate school.  I ran a half marathon (13.1) with my bff Aurelie (aka Frenchy)  After that I wanted to run a full marathon. Grad school got in the way (stupid dissertation) and my IT band gave me troubles, so I never ended up running the full 26.2, however I did complete a second half marathon almost a year ago.  Currently, my plan is to run my 3rd half marathon in November and run a full marathon in April.  This blog will outline my running plan and eating plan, along with all the exciting and traumatizing ups and downs that go into the training for these events.  If you so choose, please follow me to be entertained (maybe) and feel free to leave encouraging/discouraging/neutral comments.  I am hoping that by writing about this I will be more motivated! And if you would like to start running, either 1 mile or 26.2 like me, come along on the journey!

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