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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I love nieces and nephews!

I didn't run this weekend. There I said it. AHHHHHHHH. I didn't run one lick. Why? Because I spent all all all my time with Grady Thomas and Zoey Kathryn!  I don't regret one minute of it either! I ate donuts and candy w/ Zoey and we played and watched movies, and had tea, and had sleepovers and made cuppy cakes!. There was zero time for a run. Oh well! 

Am I going to run today? Answer.....NO! Today is my 2 year anniversary so I am going to go home and celebrate with Eric!

No I am not hardcore! There are many things in life that come before running for me! So this week and weekend run are going to be particularly hard for me b/c I need to get back into the swing of things!

So the weekend before last I ran 7 miles. I had planned on running 3 this past weekend and then running 8 this coming weekend. Not going to happen! So I think I will run on wed and thurs, cross train on fri, then do a 5 mile run on sat or sun.  Then next week I will get back on my schedule, 2 runs plus 2 cross trains per week, then 1 long run on the weekend.  I am hoping this is going to work out! If the runs go well I will do 8 miles next weekend.   I still have almost 2 months until my half marathon, so I think that should be just fine.

Why am I training so early? A few reasons. I love the Hal Higdon plan, and it says you only need to run 10 mi before the race. That is true and it works fine (I've done it!), but I like to get up to 15 or 16 and then I don't feel stressed on race day.  When race day gets here I know I can do 13.1 and them some!  Another reason is that random weekends like this past weekend come up where you can't fit in a run. Well if you start early enough you can account for these times. Life happens, what can I say. Is that about on the beam?  (I will be uber impressed if anyone gets this reference)  It's a long way back to Eden so don't sweat the small stuff! Another reason is that sometimes feet hurt, IT bands flare up, and you can scale down and scale back up accordingly when these things happen. When you start with too little time it's much harder to adjust for the random things. Life is both purpose and random, just not equal amounts of each :)

I'll keep you posted on how this week goes! Let's just say I am going to not run tonight and eat some delicious food and not worry about it! And I will certainly not weigh myself! hehehe!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To be honest wich-ooo

Ok so I don't know how to spell it, but in my head I am talking w/ a Jersey accent. Jersey shore is so ridiculous, it's like a train wreck, I want to look away but I can't. And I am happy to report that I now know what "grenade", "smunch", "DTF", and "get it in" mean.  I am not sure I wanted to know, but none the less I know!

So I ran 7 miles on Saturday! I am pretty happy with myself! It was the easiest 7 miles that I have ever done! I will have to say that I was very distracted.   I watched the first half of the buckeye game, and was so nervous for them, that I ran the last half of the game to burn off nervous energy.  Man oh man the time went by fast! A treadmill run has never went so well!

So I have been throwing in some speedwork, and lots of cross-training, and this is one of the best training seasons yet for me. I have to thank the BF Eric for motivating me to push myself. Last night I did 2 miles, increasing the speed every 1/2 mile. At the end I was thrilled and happy even though I was very tired.

So I bought the new disturbed album and the new linkin park album, hoping to get some new music to run to. The disturbed album delivered, but I am not sure I can be motivated to do anything more than sit around w/ the new linkin park album. It's very very different. There is no anger there at all, which mean it is shitty running music. BOO!  Anyway if you have a fave album to run to, post it!  My current favorite is disturbed throwing plates.

Tomorrow I run 3 miles fast, tonight is a cross training night.  This weekend I am only going to run 3 miles. 1 b/c you should throw yourself an easy long run every few weeks, and 2 because I am going home to Ohio to see my new nephew Grady! So excited!!!!!!!

I am glad my interest in running is picking back up again. I am DTR!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

M-O-O-N that spells run your ass off!

Ok I haven't posted since Friday! For a few reasons. 1. I have been having some carpel tunnel issues (which have mostly resolved thanks to my brace!) and 2. I had such a bad bad bad week last week.  I did still run, but it didn't go well, and I ate everything that wasn't nailed down!

I did run on Saturday, 6 miles! The first 5 were great, and then the last mile I thought I was going to ride the vomit comet all the way home! I managed to keep down my lunch and finish, but barely.  Whew! I am not 100% sure how I am going to run 13.1 or 26.2 when I had such a hard 6-miler, but I keep telling myself that it has worked out twice before, and if I keep trying it will work out again! 

Monday I ran 2 miles at pace. Let me tell you that sucks!  I ran about 1.5 miles slightly faster then the last .5 miles I escalated pace to a sprint. ick. But I think it is really helping me. Tonight I am either going to do 3 miles or sprints, I haven't decided.  Then Saturday is a big 7 miler!  If it is cool enough, I will run outside. It is almost almost almost cool enough to run outside here, which I am excited about!

I have so much less soreness since I have been cross-training. I do the gazelle a lot which really helps work out the muscles. I get cardio, and it seems to stretch my hams and quads, which is awesome! I joined a small group at church which meets to work out once a week, so I will be adding that in as well. They do kickboxing, so we will see how that goes. I am going to do the low impact version, and see how that blends in w/ the running.

In other news, college football is here and I am loving it! I spent Saturday watching football and a Steven King marathon.  The stand freaks me out everytime. Randall Flag is such a creepy character. M-O-O-N that spells creepy!  I need to run before the Ohio state game at 330 EST this Saturday.  Also Michigan is playing Notre Dame, and my dilemma is that I don't want either one of them to win. Is it possible for both teams to lose please? hehehee :)

 Ok since my wrist is better I will be on here more (b/c I know I am oh-so entertaining!) M-O-O-N that spells see you later taters!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Running helps many ailments!

Well it's been a few days since I posted, mostly b/c I think I have developed carpel tunnel so now I have this damn brace that makes typing really hard :(  But I went on a 3 mile run last night and my hand felt so so much better! It makes me really want to hit the pavement soon so my hand feels better.  So this might be short and sweet b/c it's hard to type.

I ran 5 miles on Saturday! I was on the treadmill on the last few seconds and all the power went out in the house! I damn near fell off the treadmill! hehehe. I can laugh about it now but then it was a little scary to be honest. Then what did I do.......had date night and we ate at red lobster. mmmmmmmm I made sure to put back all those calories I burned!!!

I didn't want to cook on Monday b/c my hand hurt so damn much. So Eric ordered pizza and I had it for dinner Monday and lunch Tuesday.  Then I weighed myself (bad idea) and I gained a pound! WTF??? This always happens I gain weight when I run. How depressing!!!  I am hoping it is the salt from the pizza. ick.  So today I am eating brown rice and spicy eggplant that I made.  I am doing well w/ only eating 1 sweet per day, which has been hard since the arrival of Nutella no-bakes (which everyone wiped out yesterday so they must have been ok!)

Well tonight I will either do the gazelle or a tempo run depending on how I feel, then tomorrow I will do what I didn't do today. WOOT! Then  I am going to take Friday off to rest b/c Sat is a 6 mile run!YAY!
Happy trails!