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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time to up the anty (and the mileage!)

I'm back! HAHAHA *evil laugh*  I got wrapped up in the holidays, and didn't get to post. However I did run!  I finished my half marathon in November. Since then, I have been running short to mid-distances (3-6) miles, but I haven't pushed too much, for a couple reasons. 1. I wanted to fully recover and 2. It's the holidays! But now Christmas is over, and it's time to PUSH! 

So you may recall that I had a horribly slow time!  I have been doing some runs on the treadmill at a slightly faster pace, and I think it's paying off.  I haven't ran a long distance outside yet, but my 3 mile time was pretty good!  Interesting fact---I run so much better when it's really cold! I am talking in the 20s and 30s. No idea why, but I do. I had my best half marathon then (the temp didn't get out of the 20s the whole race) and best 5k time (it was cross country w/ lots of hills, but I did better than a flat course in warm weather!) It was also in the 20s that day. What gives?  Then I run in Wisconsin, in the snow, in the cold (also in the 20s) and I also got a really good 3 mile time. (There was even ice on the road!) WTF! I am hoping it will be COLD for my marathon! Maybe I need to move to Canada or something. HAHAHA!

So what am I doing? Upping the mileage!  5-6 miles this weekend, then my mid week runs will eventually go from 3-4 miles to 4-8 miles. My long runs will get up to 20 miles.  I am also doing some cross training.  I got the 30 day shred for Christmas. I really like it. It works muscles that running doesn't, it's quick, and it's not something that is likely to result in injury.  Why am I doing this? 1. I need to do some strength training, and that is in the workout, and 2. I am hoping to ramp up my metabolism to burn some fat.  I am not looking to look great in a bikini but any weight I lose will be less to carry when I am running 26.2!

So I shared last time that I was going to eat breakfast. Am I...YES!  I started w/ just some juice and I am up to smoothies now.  I figured out a way to do a quick, cheap smoothie, high in protein. 

1 c. plain greek yogurt
1 banana
3/4 OJ

blend. Add more or less OJ depending on how thick you like your smoothie.

So far no weight loss, but I have been eating a lot over Christmas. But no weight gain either!

I'll be posting more regularly after the new year!  Stay tuned! Happy trails!

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