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Monday, December 6, 2010

Halfway to 26.2!

Ok so I have been super lazy about blogging, secondary to being super busy with other life stuff :) So a quick recap. When I last blogged, I did 5 miles outside. The next weekend I did 10 miles outside. The following weekend I COMPLETED MY 3RD HALF MARATHON! Let me tell you, it was a test of my will to finish that run. I am an embarassingly SLOW time, and it was HELL to finish!  The course was described as "fast and flat". Fast and flat my ass. It was all hills and very windy.  I had not trained properly. Lesson learned....check out the course if at all possible! I had my worst time ever by FAR! So I am going to make a few adjustments to train for the marathon.

I start my marathon training TODAY! I am nervous but also excited. I want that damn 26.2 sticker! hahaha.  So I am following Hal Higdon's program. I am undecided whether I am going to do the novice or the 3 day runner program. Stay tuned for that.  December is going to be an easy month of training, which is nice b/c it's the holidays. And yes I am fully aware it is going to be COLD! I would rather run in 30 degree weather than 80 degree weather anyway. That is just me. I will blog later on about gear I like for cold weather running. 

Anyway, the race is April 9th in Abilene, KS.  I mentioned that I am going to make a few tweaks in my training program. First, I am going to train at a faster pace. I am starting from short distances (3-4 miles) that are easy for me right now. I am going to train faster to being with, starting on a treadmill so I can feel what faster is like.  Then I am going to try to monitor my times, and push a little harder. Not too awful hard on long runs, that can lead to injury. Second, I am going to incorporate speedwork. There are several ways you can do this, but one method I read was to run an 800 in the time you would to finish the marathon in. (ie, if you want to finish in 4 hours, you should run a 4 min 800).  This might be challenging for me but I am going to try it. The idea is to start by running 1 or 2 800s at that pace, then work up to 10 in a row, with an equal amount of resting time in between.  So this is going to be hard! But I can do it!  Second I am going to confuse my body with unfamiliar cardio and weight training. I think my body is used to running, and I need to kick its ass more!

Second, I am going to tweak my diet. I think I can kick up my metabolism with a few extra changes. I am not out to lose a ton of weight, but even being 5 lbs lighter will make it easier to go the 26.2 miles. First, I am going to eat breakfast (I know I know it's the most important meal of the day!) I just get really sick when I try to eat in the am. So I am going to drink juice the minute I get up! And hopefully then transition to juice and some protein. Second, I am going to try and incorporate more protein into my meals. I am a selective vegetarian, so sometimes this is hard to do. (I only eat locally raised, grass-fed, ab free meat).  I will still need carbs, but I want to increase protein in addition to keeping most of the carbs I eat now.

So that's the plan. I'll keep you posted! I finished a 3 mile run at a faster pace yesterday and it went well. On tap tonight is another 3 miler at the faster pace!

Happy Trails!


  1. Lots of legumes. But watch the gas issue :P

    Here's my soapbox for marathons: there is NO need for speed work. Now, I know there are many theories out there, but seriously, you will get the speed after you put in the miles. You will wake up one day and have a recovery week and find yourself bolting through it without realizing it.. without ANY speed work. For the majority of people, high mileage = fast. Also, speed work is MUCH more likely to result in injuries. Just some food for thought. *Off soapbox*

    Congrats again on finishing the half! On that half, you gained the mental strength necessary to finish the full :) Because after mile 20ish, it's ALL mental! I'm so excited for you!! EEEEeee!!!

  2. Oh Andrea it's been so long since I have been on here :) hehehe Christmas and all! I do love me some legumes, and I am gassy all the time anyway, so no one will notice the difference. HA!

    so no speed work? hrm. I have such a problem w/ the speed issue. I never run fast at all, and have had progressively worse times (I think the last one was a fluke but still!) Interestingly enough, my best times were in cold weather! (half marathon times as well as 5K times) Maybe I will compromise and do my shorter runs faster, but maybe not do sprints. thoughts? I am starting to run my short runs at a faster pace, and my longer runs are getting a little better, and I have no additional soreness or tiredness (so far!) I'll keep you posted! I will take any tips you have! :)
