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Friday, August 27, 2010

A recovery day is welcome and important!

Last night was my night off, and I did no exercise at all! I am still sore from the sprints. My gluts, quads, and abs are all sore! So tonight I am going to do the gazelle to work out the soreness. I recorded the real housewives of DC to watch while I am doing the gazelle.  I haven't seen this series yet, but I hope it is as ridiculous as all the other real housewives series! 

This weekend I have a 5 mile run planned on Saturday, and a hike planned on Sunday. Those days may end up switched, but that is ok.  Depending on which day I run, will determine my plan for the rest of the week. 

I am still not doing as well as I would like on my eating habits. I think I will make 1 small change a week, and see how that goes. I think next week I will limit myself to 1 sweet treat a day. YES I have more than one sweet treat per day. Don't look at me that way, if you know me at all you wouldn't be shocked!!!!!! :)  This is going to be a challenge b/c I am going to attempt nutella no-bake cookies this weekend.  For example, yesterday I had 3 no bake cookies AND some cocoa puffs!!! Bad Jamie bad!  Ok so I sweet per day, and I will let you know how it goes :)

Today I had leftover frozen pizza. My hand has been hurting really badly from work, and it hurts to chop veggis. So I popped in frozen pizza last night.  It's so tasty but so nasty and bad for you at the same time! I tried to balance it out w/ some fresh fruit. I also had oatmeal this morning.  Tonight I am going to have a big salad to try and counter balance that as well. Oh since it's Friday I might have a cosmo as well, or 2. We'll see where the evening takes me.  It's date night w/ Eric so I think a cosmo will go well w/ dinner and movie!

I didn't drink as much water yesterday, and I feel a little slower and less alert. Overall this week, I have had more energy, which I think is due to drinking more water. I am aiming for 100oz or more per day.  I probably only had 50 oz yesterday, and I can feel it today.  My muscles are still sore, and I feel pretty tired, despite a good night's sleep. Lesson learned....drink more water!!!!  My poo activity also directly correlates w/ the amount of water I had the day before.  Just in case you are every constipated, you know the remedy....more H2O!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!  I will post how my 5 miler went this weekend!  I think you should also challenge yourself this weekend, and go slightly longer than you have ever gone.  That means if you haven't run at all, go for a walk, and job a until you are tired and then walk again.  If your max is 2 miles, try 2.25. You will be surprised what you can do! If I can will myself to go this far, you can too! And then reward yourself with a sweet treat. hehehehe. Ok maybe that last part was not the best advice, but let's be honest, I am going to head toward the nutella no bakes at the end of my run! :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I know what a Hazmat team is.

Ok my day started out bad and continued bad. I got in early to work, only to be forced out of the building. When I asked why they just kept telling me "the hazmat people are here". Yea I fucking know who they are, but really what in this building is so hazardous that I need to leave??? So I waited outside for  a while and lost a whole morning's worth of work. BOO!  Turns out a janitor knocked over an unlabeled container that had very safe but very smelly liquid in it. ACK!   A girl from KU news interviewed me. She took my name and asked if I was a freshman.  I didn't know whether to be flattered or offended.  She either thought I looked really young, or sounded really dumb. :)

Did I mention my breakfast was in the building??  So I had to take my friend to the airport.  I needed some food, so I got a hashbrown and a egg mcmuffin minus the cheese and ham from McTerrible.  Now I remember why I don't eat there!!!!  Hello heartburn and farts!     

In other news, last night I did sprints. I did 2 miles, walking for 2 min, running FAST for 1 min. They kicked my ass! I think that means I need to do them more often.  Tonight is my  night to rest, and THANK GOODNESS b/c my ass is tired. Literally I kicked so hard on the sprints that it wore my gluts out. hehe.  That is the thing about running for me, it makes my ass all nice and round.  The upside is that it looks good, the downside is that it gets BIG. Sir mix-a-lot would be proud!!!

Thanks everyone for reading, just having people to vent to and share with helps a lot! Please post your progress or any tips you think would be helpful for me in the comment section!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Eating clean is a colon clean

***readers beware, the following entry WILL discuss poop***
Last night on the gazelle was GLORIOUS b/c I watched the real housewives on NJ.  I love Caroline. I wish she would have smacked the shit out of Danielle :) hehehe

Speaking of poo.....The book I am reading from Meg, the eat-clean diet, suggests to drink loads of water. I drink about 3 big Nalgene bottles a day now.  The book says that drinking loads of water will clean you out, AND IT DOES! 2 poos a day for me since I have been drinking this much water, and not small poos, BIG poos. They are "I am so damn worried I am going to clog the industrial strength toilet at work poos" hehehe.

I have a 2 mile fast run tonight.  During the day yesterday I did well w/ my food but I PIGGED OUT a little when I got home. I had some cocoa puffs and then a big slab of homemade bread with butter and some raspberry preserves. I need to quit w/ the carbs.  I am addicted to carbs. I need to some up with a plan to lay off the carbs. I wish they had something like Antabuse for carbs. *sigh*

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

4 mile Monday

Well last night I did 4 miles. It is really hot here in KS (still!) so I ran on the treadmill.  The run was fairly unremarkable w/ the typical ups and downs I have in the run. I usually feel good 2 miles in, then I hit a small wall at 3 miles.  Lately I like to run in my underwear, so I am not going to have a fun adjustment when I start running outside. :)  I do pretty well w/ my eating habits during the day, but when I went home I could not leave the peanutbutter no-bake cookies along!  I can't imagine the frenzy I have when I make the Nutella no-bake cookies this weekend (results pending-stay tuned!).  Today my hip is a little sore, so I am going to do my gazelle (the strange machine that Tony Little sells on infomercials).  Sometimes I get some hip pain, and I find if I do the gazelle on my off days that helps a ton. (It's somewhat like an elliptical). I am excited b/c I am going to watch the finale of the Real Housewives of New Jersey while I do my gazelle tonight!   I hope Carolyn takes Danielle the psycho DOWN! :)  Wednesday is a 2 miler, Thursday is my day off, Friday is another cross training day, then Saturday is a 5 miler. Stay tuned!

Monday, August 23, 2010

To 26.2 and beyond

Welcome to the wonderful journey of Dr. Dr. Alan to 26.2 and beyond! I am not a huge blogger, nor do  I follow many blogs. I am mostly doing this blog for myself to increase my accountability. Let me explain.  I started running 2 years ago in graduate school.  I ran a half marathon (13.1) with my bff Aurelie (aka Frenchy)  After that I wanted to run a full marathon. Grad school got in the way (stupid dissertation) and my IT band gave me troubles, so I never ended up running the full 26.2, however I did complete a second half marathon almost a year ago.  Currently, my plan is to run my 3rd half marathon in November and run a full marathon in April.  This blog will outline my running plan and eating plan, along with all the exciting and traumatizing ups and downs that go into the training for these events.  If you so choose, please follow me to be entertained (maybe) and feel free to leave encouraging/discouraging/neutral comments.  I am hoping that by writing about this I will be more motivated! And if you would like to start running, either 1 mile or 26.2 like me, come along on the journey!