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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Post-marathon thoughts

Well I have been putting this off for 1 main reason. I just stopped everything marathon related after the marathon was done. It's just that simple. I was pretty burned out on all fronts.  I am ashamed to admit this, but I haven't really done any intense workout since the marathon. First my foot was pretty messed up, but then that healed, and then I got sick, so there was that. But for about a week and a half, going on 2 weeks, I have had not excuses. I plead laziness!  I was and still kinda am totally sick of physical activity! However, I need to just woman up and start working out again, and the sooner the better! (Yes I mean to wrote "woman" up, it seems much more appropriate)

So am I glad I did the marathon? yes! It was a challenge, and I am glad that I took it on.  It taught me discipline and showed me that I was capable of doing almost anything. But damn I was sore for an looooong time afterwards!

It's still seems really strange and bizarre that I actually ran a marathon, and that I am not officially a marathoner. WOOT!  See I wrote WOOT but the reality has not fully sunk in. I don't know if it will ever seem real, or if it will be forever a really long dream, but regardless, I am now part of an elite group and it's kinda sweet :) I have to say I do really enjoy wearing my shirt around and displaying my medal and race bib!

Will I run another marathon? The jury is still out on that one, but for the immediate future, no. I am planning on running another half in the fall.  The marathon take a huge amount of time to train for, and I just don't know if I want to commit to that again. Perhaps. In the meantime I have my sights set on other goals....stay tuned.

In the near future I need to get back to working out. I am going to start slow and I am going to do something different than running. It seems like a shame that all this running stamina might somewhat go to waste. But I will keep a 3-6 mile base, and I can always re-train. I have done it 3 times for the half and I have trained twice for the full (and completed it 1 time).  So now I think I need some variety! They say it is the spice of life! I want to do some weight lifting and I want to get a 6-pack.  The road to that goal is for now somewhat vague, but fear not I am working on all the details! In fact, I am already in phase 1 (or what I am calling phase 1) which so far is about 90-95% successful, which considering the degree of difficulty I am going to say that I am very pleased with that :)

Stayed tuned for what is coming next! Thanks again for coming along on my journey to 26.2, it has been challenging and surreal.  If you are willing to take the next step to better health with me, let's go beyond the 26.2 together! I'll write about it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright disgusting!

Until then happy trails!

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