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Monday, March 28, 2011

20 in the heat and 12 in the snow

Alright I need to update on 2 weeks worth of training!  This time is pivotal, and I am going to try and document it as best I can.

The week before last, I ran 40 miles. OMG I RAN 40 miles! I ran 20 during the week and ended the week in a 20 mile long run.  So I tried to run that Saturday, but it was pouring and there was lots of thunder and lightening. Not cool. So my only option was Sunday, and the predicted high was 80 degrees. At this point I am sure you are thinking "and". Ahem may I remind you that I am used to and highly prefer running in temps of 40 degrees and under.  This was going to be a challenge! So I woke up early and ran 20 miles. Yep I did it!  The highlight of the run was when Eric showed up at mile 14 to cheer me on!  We walked for a few minutes then I ran 6 more miles for a total of 20 miles! Ok that's the good part. So  remember me telling you in previous blogs that what you wear is important. Well it is! I ran in my really think anti-blister anti-cold socks, and GOT HEAT RASH ON MY FEET!  Also I did not have good running shorts, so I had to run in my thin tights. I could have done without that. Thanks goodness I had 2 bottles of gatorade or I would not have made it! Anyway I ran out and bought new socks, a tank top, and running shorts, just in case it is going to be warm on marathon day.

Last week I started the taper!  I still ran 30 miles, but mentally it was easier.  Yesterday I ran 12 the snow! What a change from the week before!  The only downside was that the weatherman did not predict snow, so I didn't bring my waterproof jacket :(  So I got pretty wet!  Otherwise it was a good run.  The only problem was that I didn't stop to drink very much, so I ended up feeling pretty sick. Lesson learned. Drink no matter what!!!!

So 1 more week of taper, then its the week of the race. I am going to take this time to freak the fuck out!. OMG WHAT AM I DOING!  I need to focus mentally this week. I need to psych myself up. I feel like I am just a jenny from the block trying to run a marathon. I have to remind myself that I AM an athlete and I HAVE trained for this. I AM ready!  I think I need to stop reading shit online and just go with what I have!  Bottom body is to prepare my mind. It's all mental! And that is why a raven is like a writing desk!

Until next time, Happy trails!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jamie!! You are *this close* to owning those 26.2!

    Reading this book helped psyche me up for the big day: Marathon Woman: Running the Race to Revolutionize Women's Sports by Kathrine Switzer.

    Enjoy the taper!
