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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Journey to Clean Eating

As promised, I am going to dedicate this post to my clean eating journey that I have embarked on.  I will say before I get into this, that I have done something like this before for religious reasons. I did the Daniel's fast (as in Daniel in the bible) for 21 days w/ Newhope church.  Basically it was a vegan diet w/ no processed foods. I felt wonderful when I did it, and I lost weight! So why didn't I keep doing it?  Well it was pretty expensive, and also it was very very strict. So I will also talk about the changes I am making this time around to make the a permanent part of my life.

So what is clean eating? In a nutshell it's this: no processed foods. That's right, no processed foods.  It is heavy on lean protein, fruits and veggis, and whole grains.  Some dairy seems to be ok as well.  This is a great diet for a few reasons. 1. We were born to eat unprocessed foods, it's what our bodies really want. 2.  You are not doing any crazy "fad" diet, it's something that can and should end up being a total lifestyle, which means that you have a greater chance of maintaining weight loss.   I started w/ a very strict version of this which was given to me by my friend Meg called the "bust your rut diet". Basically it's the clean eating diet, but it's lower on carbs. If you want more details, let me know and I will share them with you. But a typical day would consist of oatmeal for breakfast with some fruit. Then lunch would be a tofu stir fry w/ loads of veggis and brown rice.  Dinner would be fish w/ some whole grain like barley or quinoa with 2 veggis like a salad w/ lowfat dressing and also asparagus. Then throughout the day I would have snacks like an apple or banana or applesauce, also on the docket were celery w/ nut butter and shredded wheat cereal. Then at night I would munch on almonds and fresh and frozen berries. I have done this for 2 1/2 weeks now, and have lost 7lbs. So that is all well and good. I have been coping w/ heartburn for the past year or so. I have it every day, and I HATE taking more meds than I need to. Also I have been so TIRED as of late. The most wonderful thing(s) about this diet is that I  rarely have heartburn, and I have SO much more energy!!!!!  It's the most wonderful thing ever!  If you want more information on the diet, go to  There is a wonderful book about it that explains it in great detail, much better than I ever could!

So here is what I have to lend, and that's how to get around the downsides of clean eating (yes there are some!) and how to stick with it.  First, there is the misconception that fresh foods are more expensive. To a degree they are.  How do you get around that?  Well I would point you to the farmers market.  I get a ton of produce there for half of what I would pay at the store. A CSA is also a good option.  You can read more about CSAs and find one near you at  I won't lie, the first shopping trip you will need to stock your pantry with things you need like brown rice, almonds, etc. That will be expensive. But after that it's not so bad, and I find this diet is actually cheaper than my normal diet was.

Second, you will be hungry for the first week or so and you will get food cravings. I don't know when the food cravings will stop, mine are still there. So as for being hungry, drink lots of water. But the most important tip I can give is to SUCK IT UP! It will go away. You just have to accept that this is going to happen, you are taking in less calories, that is the way it is. Ride it out, and you will be fine I promise.  As for the cravings, I modified the diet slightly.  For example, I eat frosted mini wheats (the mom's natural organic kind which was  99 cents at Kroger on sale BTW, cheaper than the non organic). That helps me w/ my sweet tooth. Sure it's marginally processed, but if I allow myself this little indulgence daily, then I am less likely to overeat a whole tray of brownies. I also allow myself 2 tsps of brown sugar on my oatmeal.  I DETEST plain oatmeal. I heart oatmeal w/ brown sugar. Sure it's not on the diet, but it helps me stick w/ the over all plan so I gladly do it!

Ok what about eating out. I do it, it's no big thing. Stick w/ the option that fits best w/ the diet. Example: I was at  On the Border and I got the shrimp fajitas w/ black beans.  I did have a few chips and salsa but just a few. This is a good place to introduce Bethenny Frankel's philosophy of "taste everything, eat nothing". For more info, read her book, Naturally Thin. I had a few chips and salsa, it satisfied my craving, and I didn't eat the whole damn plate of them. The trick is to eat slow and savor. nom nom nom.   And it's fine if you have a small indulgance. Last night I had 5 spoonfulls of chocolate ice cream (made locally at the dairy) it was sinful, but I was satisfied w/ less than 1/4 cup of ice cream,  my craving was satisfied, and I am still losing weight.  Also it's ok if you have some processed items. I still eat regular peanut butter, and sometimes I do have processed things like pretzels. I just try to limit those things.  Once you stick w/ this diet, you won't crave processed foods anymore. For example, we were at taco johns and I got a cheese quesadilla.  We were on the road and there weren't many options and I was STARVING! I thought it would be the most delicious thing, a nice cheat on my diet, but it was DISGUSTING. My taste buds are changing and I am happy! :)

This has gone so well, that I am going to stay on the eat clean diet, and incorporate in Bethenny's taste everything eat nothing.  For example, I will eat clean all day, but when my friend Sam brings in some of her tasty cupcakes, I will have a few bites of it, savor it, enjoy it, and let it go. No guilty feelings. nom nom nom. It's my way for being healthy, but still enjoying food!

There is a crucial exercise component of any diet, and I will talk about that, but perhaps in another post. I hope this post is useful. If you have questions I will answer them to the best of my abilities, and I will keep everyone updated on my progress, and any other tips I come up with!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Post-marathon thoughts

Well I have been putting this off for 1 main reason. I just stopped everything marathon related after the marathon was done. It's just that simple. I was pretty burned out on all fronts.  I am ashamed to admit this, but I haven't really done any intense workout since the marathon. First my foot was pretty messed up, but then that healed, and then I got sick, so there was that. But for about a week and a half, going on 2 weeks, I have had not excuses. I plead laziness!  I was and still kinda am totally sick of physical activity! However, I need to just woman up and start working out again, and the sooner the better! (Yes I mean to wrote "woman" up, it seems much more appropriate)

So am I glad I did the marathon? yes! It was a challenge, and I am glad that I took it on.  It taught me discipline and showed me that I was capable of doing almost anything. But damn I was sore for an looooong time afterwards!

It's still seems really strange and bizarre that I actually ran a marathon, and that I am not officially a marathoner. WOOT!  See I wrote WOOT but the reality has not fully sunk in. I don't know if it will ever seem real, or if it will be forever a really long dream, but regardless, I am now part of an elite group and it's kinda sweet :) I have to say I do really enjoy wearing my shirt around and displaying my medal and race bib!

Will I run another marathon? The jury is still out on that one, but for the immediate future, no. I am planning on running another half in the fall.  The marathon take a huge amount of time to train for, and I just don't know if I want to commit to that again. Perhaps. In the meantime I have my sights set on other goals....stay tuned.

In the near future I need to get back to working out. I am going to start slow and I am going to do something different than running. It seems like a shame that all this running stamina might somewhat go to waste. But I will keep a 3-6 mile base, and I can always re-train. I have done it 3 times for the half and I have trained twice for the full (and completed it 1 time).  So now I think I need some variety! They say it is the spice of life! I want to do some weight lifting and I want to get a 6-pack.  The road to that goal is for now somewhat vague, but fear not I am working on all the details! In fact, I am already in phase 1 (or what I am calling phase 1) which so far is about 90-95% successful, which considering the degree of difficulty I am going to say that I am very pleased with that :)

Stayed tuned for what is coming next! Thanks again for coming along on my journey to 26.2, it has been challenging and surreal.  If you are willing to take the next step to better health with me, let's go beyond the 26.2 together! I'll write about it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright disgusting!

Until then happy trails!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The gory details of running 26.2

It's official! I complete my first marathon!  I finished 26.2 miles and I can't believe it! So good news first eh. Here's how it all went down.

Well, I woke up and puked. ick.  Well not to worry I was just nervous right? Hmmm well read on and decide for yourself. Anyway, sweet sweet Eric also got up at 3am with me, and he drove me to Abilene. I was pretty keyed up all morning. I am a little nervous right now just reliving the moment!  We got there about an hour early, so there was plenty of time to get my registration packet and do the all important....POOP!  Check and check!  The next thing I know it was time for the race! It wasn't an especially big race, so the crowd thinned out right away, but there were still several runners around me.  The marathon and half marathon runners all started out at the same time. The half marathoners went 6.5 miles and then turned around. Things went great for the first 6.5 miles. I was making pretty good time. Then everyone turned around (they must have all been running that half I guess) then I was all alone! HAHA!  There were only about 50 people running the marathon I guess and by that time we were pretty well spaced out.

Oh one thing I forgot to mention...this race was out and back (kinda sucky BTW) and the first 13 miles were INTO THE WIND! Damn!  I think that drained a lot of my strength. The first 13 miles I did really well! I stayed very positive and I was feeling pretty good. I turned around, got to mile 15, then WHAM! The puking started!  I also forgot to mention that the high that day was around 90. So I am not 100% sure why I was sick, but I just was. Then I was in trouble. Luckily at mile 18 Eric came and we walked for a little while. He wetted a hanky with water and put it on my neck. That helped too. So I muddled on. When I got to mile 22 I was pretty sure I was going to make it, but I was also pretty sure I was in bad shape. The puking continued, it was getting hotter, and I was starting to break down physically and mentally.  I couldn't eat any gels b/c they made me sick. I could just sip sip sip water. So I did that and just did what I could.  LUCKILY Eric came and took the last 2 miles with me. By that time I was veering off the road and crying profusely. :) I must have been a sight!

So more on those last 2 miles! OMG those were the longest 2 miles of my entire life! I thought they would never never end. And the last .2 of the 26.2 were ENDLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I finished! This was by far the toughest physical challenge of my life, and probably up there as one of the toughest mental challenges of my life.  I have never been so happy to sit down in the A/C and drink water in my entire life!

So I didn't get a really good time needless to say. But my goal was to finish and that I did. I am now part of the 1% or less of the world's population that has finished a marathon.  Was it worth it? Yes. I need to elaborate more on this, but maybe not today.  I'll finish with the after race experience.

It was so nice to sit in the car w/ the A/C on. And Eric was nice enough to get me a SQUISHEE! nom nom nom. Just what I needed! We stopped to pick up a notebook at Eric's lab, and I got out to walk and change clothes. Man that was hard!  I could barely get up let alone walk to the bathroom and change clothes. But somehow I did. The rest of the evening I laid on the couch with Buffy.  I was pretty sore and couldn't sit in one position too long, but it also hurt to change positions. Oh did I mention I was also sunburned...burnt to a crisp would be more accurate. Yea add insult to injury for sure!

How am I doing now? Glad you asked! I am physically mostly recovered. The arch of my right foot hurts like a mother and I am limping around but I am otherwise ok. I am very very tired, and from what I read that is normal and may last for a week.  I got hydrated pretty quickly afterwards, so I am sure that helped. I only took 1 dose of aleve, after that I was pretty much ok.

Mentally I seem very emotional. I read that depression is common after a marathon, but I have yet to experience it. I am mostly concerned about what to do next. I am already entertaining the idea of a race in the near future. More on that to come.

So I have done the 26.2. Me, the girl who isn't a runner, who once could not run a mile, has completed a marathon.  I am proof that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. If you are thinking of running, do it. I did it, and I am glad that I did. Yes it was hard, it was fucking hard. But if it were easy, everyone would do it.  I am glad I took on the challenge. I will blog about that more later, mostly because I am still reflecting on the experience. To be honest, it hasn't really sunk in yet, but I will share my thought later.

So what is "beyond"?  I am not 100% sure. But stay tuned, I AM sure it will be an adventure!

For now, happy trails! Thanks for taking the first part of this journey with me!

Monday, March 28, 2011

20 in the heat and 12 in the snow

Alright I need to update on 2 weeks worth of training!  This time is pivotal, and I am going to try and document it as best I can.

The week before last, I ran 40 miles. OMG I RAN 40 miles! I ran 20 during the week and ended the week in a 20 mile long run.  So I tried to run that Saturday, but it was pouring and there was lots of thunder and lightening. Not cool. So my only option was Sunday, and the predicted high was 80 degrees. At this point I am sure you are thinking "and". Ahem may I remind you that I am used to and highly prefer running in temps of 40 degrees and under.  This was going to be a challenge! So I woke up early and ran 20 miles. Yep I did it!  The highlight of the run was when Eric showed up at mile 14 to cheer me on!  We walked for a few minutes then I ran 6 more miles for a total of 20 miles! Ok that's the good part. So  remember me telling you in previous blogs that what you wear is important. Well it is! I ran in my really think anti-blister anti-cold socks, and GOT HEAT RASH ON MY FEET!  Also I did not have good running shorts, so I had to run in my thin tights. I could have done without that. Thanks goodness I had 2 bottles of gatorade or I would not have made it! Anyway I ran out and bought new socks, a tank top, and running shorts, just in case it is going to be warm on marathon day.

Last week I started the taper!  I still ran 30 miles, but mentally it was easier.  Yesterday I ran 12 the snow! What a change from the week before!  The only downside was that the weatherman did not predict snow, so I didn't bring my waterproof jacket :(  So I got pretty wet!  Otherwise it was a good run.  The only problem was that I didn't stop to drink very much, so I ended up feeling pretty sick. Lesson learned. Drink no matter what!!!!

So 1 more week of taper, then its the week of the race. I am going to take this time to freak the fuck out!. OMG WHAT AM I DOING!  I need to focus mentally this week. I need to psych myself up. I feel like I am just a jenny from the block trying to run a marathon. I have to remind myself that I AM an athlete and I HAVE trained for this. I AM ready!  I think I need to stop reading shit online and just go with what I have!  Bottom body is to prepare my mind. It's all mental! And that is why a raven is like a writing desk!

Until next time, Happy trails!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One last loooooong training run

I have made it........almost.  This is the final week before the taper. Honestly, sometimes I never thought I would get this far.  It's really amazing!  Last week was an off week, 5 mi Tues 9 mi wed 5 mi Thurs, 14 mi on Saturday. I must say I was tired after the 14 miles, but I pushed a little bit. I also farted around a little bit b/c the weather was so nice!!!!!!  By farting around I mean I took extra time during my water walks (I walk when I drink water otherwise I don't actually injest much!).  Which brings me to an aside.  Some might consider walking to drink water not actually running the race the whole way. I disagree.  I only walk a sufficient amount off time to drink or take a gel, simply b/c that way I can actually hydrate!  If you don't do this, that's fine, but I am of the school of thought that this is totally valid!  But anyway I took some extra time on this training run to walk after I drank water. And I still completed it in less than 2.5 hours! WOOT!

This week is going to be tough.  Last night I ran 5 miles, tonight I need to run 10 miles, then Wed I need to run 5 miles.  That doesn't bother me. That's chump change. The big 20-miler is coming up this weekend. I am intimidated! But this is what I know.....I've ran 18, I just need to run 2 more, I need lots of fluids, I need energy replacement (I am preferring gatorade over gels more and more), and if I need to take it slow no biggie. Then after that, that's it! The hard part is over.  After that comes the taper! YAY! Then after that is the big day!  Honestly I am freaking out a little bit, but I am trying to tell myself that they hard part is almost over, and I just basically have to do 1 last loooooong run, enjoy my taper, and then just show up and DO THE DAMN THING!  hehe. Then whatever happens on race day happens. I've prepared as well as I can. I have been training since September (I ran a half in November remember! yaya!), and at this point there is not much more to be done.

So I am totally having mixed emotions, including but not limited to: self-doubt, exuberance, exasperation, triumph, and sadness.  It's going to feel so great to finish, but what after that? What indeed?  This is what I am pondering, and what I will blog about next (it is journey to 26.2 and beyond right!?!?!?!) OHH YEA!  So although my road to 26.2 is rapidly coming to a close (the most exciting part is coming up in 3.5 weeks...expect more about that for sure!)  I am turning my eyes to the horizon and thinking about what is next....what indeed.  Can anyone answer why a raven is like a writing desk?

Until then happy trails!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


First, thank to my coach and shoulder to cry on, Andrea, for the title! :)  This has been my mantra as of late!

So I am currently running anywhere from 30-35 miles per week right now. That means I do a 4-5 miler 2x per week, a "mid-distance" run of 7-9 miles and a "long-distance" run of 16-18 miles. Whew!  I have to be honest, I didn't think I could do it! But I have been keeping up which amazes me!  Last night I did 8 miles. I was tired from work, etc etc and didn't want to do it. But I just laced up and ran. If you can manage to distract your mind, it's amazing what your body can do!

Speaking of, I get a lot of, OMG I can't believe you are running a marathon, I could never do that!  Well let me just speak to you for a minute......I said that exact same thing. Indeed I did.  And here is the thing. I am not an athlete. Let me repeat, I am not an athlete. Sure I am now, but I wasn't born with great running ability. I am stubborn, and I do possess this persistent determination, and that my friends is what you need to run a marathon. I am convinced of this. When I distract my mind,  I can run for miles and miles and not be tired. You heard me. It's not because I am this talented athlete, just b/c I am STUBBORN! Damn right! I want that 26.2 sticker on my car dammit! So to those of you who say you can't run a marathon, a half marathon a 10k a 5k or a mile I am here to tell you that you can! It's mind over matter and I am scientific proof! Now whether you want to do it is a separate issue.  I will say that this venture takes time, patience, blood, sweat and tears. But it's so rewarding to know that you can push yourself to do ANYTHING!

This weekend I have to run 18 miles. I am not gonna lie, I am terrified. But I am going to finish, even if I have to limp back to my car.  It's going to be the same for the race. I am going to finish even if I have to crawl across the finish line dammit! Mind over matter.  I have an 18 miler, a 14 miler a 20 miler then the taper! Oh yea!

I have to admit, the post-marathon life looks so good right now.......but I know after a few weeks after the big race I'll be back hitting the long distance runs....stay tuned!

Monday, February 7, 2011

What don't kill ya will make you more strong!

Man oh man I have been a bad blogger!  I promise to try harder! This will be the stuff to read b/c I am getting to the meat of the marathon training.

First off, training for a marathon seems exponentially harder than training for the half marathon! Oh my goodness, and last week I was beat down and worn out! My goal was a 10 miler for my long run and it was an epic FAIL! I didn't even do 8. So sad! But I buckled down and ran more mileage during the week to make up for it.  I ended up running 11 miles this weekend in just under 2 hours which is awesome for me! And awesome for a marathon training run! It seemed so much easier this week, and I am happy!  Thank you to Andrea for being a good coach! And thanks to Meg for listening to me and being encouraging! I am going to go after more miles during the week, and try for 13-14 this weekend.  I don't want to up too much, but I am a teensy bit behind, so I am playing some catch up!  The week after that is a recovery week, so I get a break! yea! Only a 10 miler that weekend!

Speaking of long miles, I find that mentally it is very challenging to get that far.  I mean right now 8 seems short to me, but 14 seems almost not-doable.  Hell 11 seemed out of reach after last weeks run!  I will share what works for me in training and in a race.  I do 2 things. 1, in my mind I break up the run into segments. I say "I will run here, and when I do I will get some water or have a gu". Then I just pick up the next part like I just started. It seems more less like a mountain and more like a mole hill that way.  I did this for 2 miles when I started, and I've done it for 16 at the most so far, and it seems very effective for me. Also I like to listen to music and get lost in my thoughts. I prefer songs w/ a similiar tempo so the beat keeps me at a good pace, and I can get lost in my thoughts. I can do this b/c I run on a trail w/ no traffic, this would not be a good idea if you were on the road w/ cars and things of the sort!

Speaking of music, my fave tunes to run to right now are the new Disturbed album and the new Linkin park album. Thumbs way up for me!

In other news, my Nike pants bit the dust. They are just too thin for these really cold runs. So I bought some saucony tights that I am diggin!  Wicking materials are the way to go, especially when it is cold! You don't get that " I am sweaty under my clothes, but cold otherwise" feeling!

Ok I will try to be a better blogger! Happy trails everyone!